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Yoga Retreats

Escape the business of life and discover tranquility within your own mind and a supportive community.

Join us on our fall RE-SET Retreat, and learn techniques to nurture your inner creativity with:
art therapy, collective journaling, heartfelt conversations, meditation, yoga,
and moments of personal reflection. You will reconnect with yourself.

Our spacious retreat venue offers various amenities

The retreat cost covers vegetarian and vegan-friendly meals. We also have an open snack bar for everyone to share, but feel free to bring your own treats or snacks. If you have any dietary restrictions, please inform us in advance. Additionally, all meals are included, and there are plenty of fruits, veggies, chips, and more for snacking between meals. Unlimited coffee, teas, and soft drinks are also available.

As a special treat, each participant will receive a handmade goodie bag, and other delightful surprises.

***We offer payment options, so please email us to discuss arrangements.***

Weekend Itinerary

Oct 25th
5:00 pm - Arrival
6:00-7:00 pm - Dinner
8:00 pm - Yin Yoga

Oct 26th

MAUNA (quiet inner reflection)
7:00 am - Morning meditation & yoga
8:00 am - Breakfast
9:00 am - Journaling workshop & deep inner reflection

10-12 pm - Re-set (REST)
12:00 pm - Lunch is served
2:00 pm - Art Therapy

4:00 pm - REST
6:00 pm - Dinner
8:00 pm - Bonfire & meditation

Oct 27th
7:00 am - Mindfulness & yoga practice
8:30 am - Breakfast
10:00 am - Goodbyes and well-wishes

11:30 am - Departure

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